lean visual managment Visual Management Visual Management Boards visual management survey

Visual Management, a Way of Life

Dear people, we as human beings have changed a lot in the past 20 years. Due to advances in the technological field, most of the members of the existing generation have started using mobile phones between the years 2000 to 2010. The use of mobiles has increased with an exponential speed in the past decade and we have started experiencing an 8-year-old using a mobile phone and understanding most of its features.

Generations are becoming smart and they are always in the hunt for easy ways to get their work done real quick and efficiently. Sometimes the bigger problems have easier solutions and all it takes is just a little brainstorming about that problem. Such technological advances and brainstorming have developed a number of lean management tools such as visual management systems.

As a result of this technological development, we have started experiencing the “Magic of Visual Management” in our daily life. Now you must be thinking what is visual management? To understand the visual management systems one needs to think about the quantum of images and videos we see per day. The quantum will not be less than 500 images/videos per day. Our brain is also getting developed in such a way that we understand the visual things faster than any other communication media.

It is said that “Human brain processes visual memory 60,000 times faster than auditory memory”. Also, it is noted that “65% population is Visual Learners”. By virtue of this, it is obvious that understanding the message or a subject will be better if it is communicated by means of images, colors and minimal text. In our words, it is by means of “Visual Management”.

One needs to understand and accept that Visual Management is the most effective method of communication in every field, may it be educational, industrial or even business management. In the current scenario, every individual should give emphasis on how things can be made easy & effective by means of Effective Visual Management systems. For example, a visual management board can be used to display important data that would be accessible to all with minimal efforts.

Benefits of Visual management board

It is time-saving, faster problem-solving, improved work efficiency, better accountability, improved team performance, other visual management tools include making use of posters, charts, signs, etc. for lean management processes. Also, floor marking tapes are considered as one of the most important visual management tools.

5s visual management and Gemba walks are one of the favored lean visual management techniques by most of the leaders. 5s visual management and Gemba walks are focused on achieving cost cutbacks, waste termination, zero defects, safety enhancements, and accident reductions which makes them most preferred and vastly used visual management tools.

The implementation of lean visual management is a science. There are multiple parameters such as the selection of colors, images, text and also the media/material for display, size of the display and location of the display. We have experienced at many facilities that the visual management is not very effective although efforts have been taken to display posters, signs & whiteboards.

This is because the selection of the visual management parameters was not taken into consideration while designing the complete lean visual management arrangement at the facility. These visuals must be well designed for easy prediction of the display also it must be well engineered and standardized to make the visual more effective and efficient. Hence it is concluded that the science behind the various displays at the facility shall be followed to create positive and desired results from the effective visual management systems.

Visualmitra LLP is a Mumbai based company, offering visual management services to almost all sectors of the industries & businesses they are known for the successful execution of various projects pan India and even abroad. Their visual management experts visit the facility and prepare a detailed and comprehensive project report considering all the necessary parameters for effective management.

Many facilities including multinational companies, business units, commercial establishments, warehouses have availed their end to end services to make their facility safe & productive. All these companies have experienced “Change in Culture” at their facilities. Most of the developed countries have endorsed the positive results of effective lean visual management at the facility. Now it’s a time for India to understand and implement the system to make the facility visually compliant for better results in the individual area of operations. All the best!!

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