5S originated with Japanese inventor Sakichi Toyoda–the founder of Toyota who is also known as the “father of the Japanese industrial revolution.”
5S implementation Technique
5S implementation is done with a focus on cultural change to improve efficiency and reduce wasteful activities at any facility. Although 5S sometimes referred as Productive Housekeeping, it covers all the parameters such as Inventory, Transportation, Movement, Ergonomics, Quality, Productivity, Efficiency, Safety etc. are considered while implementing 5S at the shop floor.
5S is recognized as most powerful tool where both tangible and intangible benefits can be experienced to a great extent. The effective implementation of 5S methodology brings cultural change through enhanced accountability at the all the levels especially at the workmen level at the shop floor. The simple steps and methodology for 5S implementation is explained below:
1] 5S Team formation & Project kick off meeting
The objective of this meeting is an introduction to 5S project and methodology for implementation. All the team members/leaders of 5S team should remain present for this meeting.
2] Initial plant walk through
The complete plant within the purview of 5S implementation is visited to check the current status of material storage, housekeeping and culture at the shop floor. The snaps are also taken while this walk through for future comparison purpose.
3] Distribution of plant area (Zonewise)
The plant layout studied and different zones are formed. The zone wise 5S leaders are decided. This activity brings effectiveness as the area wise controlling authority and responsibilities are defined.
4] Sorting (Seiri) Phase
Individual 5S leader prepares the list of material available at his/her zone. Generally this list is prepared on Excel file. Further details such as material usage frequency, shelf life, storage conditions needed etc. are also captured and documented in the list. Based on the inputs, the sorting is done considering the following points”
4] Sorting (Seiri) Phase
Individual 5S leader prepares the list of material available at his/her zone. Generally this list is prepared on Excel file. Further details such as material usage frequency, shelf life, storage conditions needed etc. are also captured and documented in the list. Based on the inputs, the sorting is done considering the following points”
- Whether the subject material is required or to be scrapped??
- What is the frequency of the usage of the material?
- How much is the optimum quantity to be stored?
The output of this phase if the final list of material decided to be stored at the zone. Balance material is identified by using the RED tags. The decision on such unwanted material is taken by the respective authority.
5] Set In Order (Seiton)Phase
Once the list of material to be stored ta the zone is finalized, the proper material arrangement is designed considering the following points
- Probable frequency of usage of the material / tools. The frequently required items are stored at nearest location and rarely used items are stored at farthest location. This fundamental reduces the man and material movement at the zone
- Material storage facility with ease of material movement / operations
- Material storage with visual controls. E.g. Demarcated areas, racks and tagging system.
6] Shine (Seiso)Phase
The material storage is ensured as per the system is designed in previous phase. Now it is a time of cleaning and making the area presentable. The appropriate cleaning methods are adopted for better appearance.
7] Standardize (Seiketsu)
The main focus during this phase is to promote standardization to the fullest & wherever possible. It is believed that lack of standardization at the workplace results into wastages because of excess movement, poor ergonomics, time to learn controls on new machines etc. The objective is to offer the same feel to the worker whether he is working on machine number 3 or 37.
8] Sustain (Shitsuke)
Once the 5S system is established, the biggest challenge is to maintain and continually improve that system in future. For this, awareness is created among existing man-power and new comers by means of class room training programmes and effective visual management at the workplace. Visual management covers pictorial presentations on Do’s and Don’ts, Standard operating procedures etc.
9] 5S audit
After implementation of 5S, it is necessary to conduct periodic 5S audits at the plant to monitor its effectiveness. 5S audits are conducted by Internal / External auditors and report is prepared. The scope for improvements is communicated to Zone wise 5S leader for further corrective actions.
10] Corrective Actions on 5S points
The zone wise 5S audit report is reviewed by the respective zone leader. The scope for improvements is studied and corrective actions are initiated. It is necessary to decide corrective actions which are permanent in nature rather than temporary.
We, at Visualmitra have supported many organizations towards effective implementation of 5S with Simple and Practical approach which is very well appreciated by the clients.