5s Implementation 5s technique lean visual managment Visual Management Visual Management Boards visual management survey

Visual Communication through Informative Boards

Visual Management Boards or Informative Boards are designed and developed by a group of experts from Visualmitra having various industry experience & knowledge. The main objective of these boards is to update, monitor performance, control critical points of important processes, display production/scheduling/dispatch plans, 5s duties, employee assignments etc. by manually writing, using magnets or by… Read More

Visual Management

When metrics matter – why you need visual management

Why does sports fans glance at the scoreboard every so often when all the action is clearly on the field? The answer is obvious and very simple: the scoreboard generates and maintains interest. It provides unambiguous feedback about performance and answers important questions about the status of the game. Visual management shares real-time information and… Read More

Benefits Fascility Visual Management Visual Management

The Magic of Visual Management At Workplace

Visual Management is one of the essential tools that we make use of at our work and home lives that you may not have even noticed. But once you understand what visual management exactly is all about, you’ll be seeing it everywhere! Visual management is a tool that is used for lean management for making… Read More

Factory Visual Management Factory Visual Management Projects Visual Management

Visual Factory – A Way towards Prosperity

The basic concept of a visual workplace is putting up graphical and illustrative detailing of progress, process or department workflow. According to studies, the visual representation helps employees to understand, retain and reciprocate information more effectively within a short time. Do you want to implement a visual factory within your premises? Especially, when you are… Read More